Latest updates and changes in Temporary Foreign Worker Program

Important update from Employment and Social Development Canada


1. Temporary Foreign Worker Program Policies

The Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFW Program) recently published some of its policies on the Open Government information portal.

Effective October 9, 2024, the following seven policies are now available on the Open Government portal:

  • Assessment of the effect on the labour market; 
  • Category B eligibility for Global Talent stream;
  • Development or transfer of skills and knowledge;
  • Employment agreement;
  • Recruitment fees;
  • Job creation and retention; and,
  • Labour market benefits plan.

Additional TFW Program policies will be added in the near future. Additionally, as TFW Program policies are regularly updated, revised policies will be published once they are finalized.

Publishing on the Open Government information portal aims to maximize the dissemination of information and data regarding the TFW Program, and to promote openness and transparency for stakeholders involved in the TFW Program.  As a reminder, statistical datasets for LMIAs are also available on the portal.

Should you have any questions regarding the publication of TFW Program policies and statistical data, you are invited to contact the TFW Program


2. Unemployment Data Update

There are some measures and additional changes recently implemented in relation to the treatment of Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) applications under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFW Program).

Since September 26, 2024, and until further notice, LMIA applications are not processed if all the conditions below are met:

  • The wage offered for the position(s) requested is below the provincial or territorial median hourly wage; and
  • The work location is in a census metropolitan area (CMA); and
  • The unemployment rate of the CMA where the work is located is 6% or higher, at the time the LMIA application is submitted.

Please note that on October 11, 2024, the unemployment rates by CMA will be updated on the TFW Program website.

Data on the unemployment rate by CMA used in this measure will be updated on a quarterly basis and in accordance with Statistics Canada's publication dates. Updates will take place in January, April, July and October.

As a reminder, certain low-wage positions are exempt from this refusal to process measure. More information can be found on the TFW Program website under Refusal to process a Labour Market Impact Assessment application.

If you have any questions on the TFW Program, please visit or reach out to the Employer Contact Centre


3. TFW Program - Tip line Infographic

The Tip Line Infographic for temporary foreign workers is now available on the TFW Program’s website. The infographic was developed to help workers identify abuse, learn more about their rights while working in Canada, and find the number to call to report abuse. To serve a wider range of workers, the infographic is available in eight languages: English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Tagalog, and Thai.

This infographic can also be printed in these languages from the Government of Canada website: How to report abuse of temporary foreign workers. We invite you to share this tool with foreign workers, case workers and anyone who supports workers. 

In addition, if you are interested in learning more about compliance and the inspection process under the TFW Program, contact the Compliance Outreach Team. The team offers free outreach sessions to employers, migrant worker support organizations, and to TFW Program partners and stakeholders.


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